Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010


Kabuto dan Deidara yang mencari lokasi keberadaan Naruto tiba-tiba dikejutkan oleh serangan Tsuchikage di udara. Pertarungan pun dimulai. Deidara yang sebelumnya telah mengenal kakek Tsuchikage berniat akan menghabisi orang tua itu. Apakah yang akan terjadi. Siapakah yang akan menang dalam pertarungan ini? Untuk mengetahui ceritanya "Tsuchikage Vs Deidara" silakan download di sini


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Untuk mendownload naruto shippuden episode 181 part 2 klik di sini

Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010

Prediksi komik Naruto episode 513 (confirmed) "Deidara vs Tsuchikage"

According to the spoiler, the big snake is the Nidaime Manda who is bigger and stronger than the Shodai. Deidara believes he killed Sasuke and wonders why he's alive right now. He calls tsuchikage old man/grandpa and Kurotsuchi comes along with tsuchikage. Deidara also keeps his personality when talking to Kabuto. Tsuchikage uses a Cero-like technique at the end.

Tsuchikage knows that what Kabuto is using is Edo Tensei. Deidara uses a an exploding clay bunshin on tsuchikage when he thinks he came across the real Kabuto and Deidara. Kabuto tells Deidara that further ahead is where Kyuubi and Hachibi are. Deidara says that he will take care of them because he has a score to settle with Naruto, but tsuchikage says otherwise. Deidara says now it looks bad because it looks like he pissed off the old man/grandpa. That's when tsuchikage uses the Cero, and it ends.

Forgive me, it also says Akatsuchi comes with tsuchilage as well as Kurotsuchi in the beginning of the chapter. Killer Bee and then Naruto are rapping/talking about armadillo(s) and something else which may be relevant.

and also from Yasya

Kabuto used Manda's cells to create it (Nidaime Manda). It's said to be bigger, stronger and have a greater sensing ability than the original Manda.

Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010

Prediksi komik Naruto episode 513 (English) "Gaara VS Deidara"

Chapter starts off with Kabuto in the air with Deidara and Deidara's Owl. Kabuto speaks to himself about the situation, whatever he says it confirms he is using Madara for his own goals.

Madara and Zetsu are speaking to each other. Zetsu questions Madara's trust in Kabuto, Madara tells Zetsu that's it's not a matter of trust but more along the lines of him being blackmailed by Kabuto. Zetsu quickly realizes what Madara means. Madara says that in the end this is a business, and like all business people get used and laid off just like Kabuto will be once he serves his purpose.

Gaara has arrived on the Turlte Island and is talking with Naruto and everyone. At this moment Kabuto lands as well. Everyone is shocked at what they see. Yamato quickly questions Kabuto and his motives. Kabuto explains that he has joined up with Madara, and Zetsu. Naruto gets ready to fight, but Gaara steps in. Kabuto chuckles and sends Deidara to fight Gaara. Kabuto ends the chapter off by saying, let's see how the fight turns out this time, and chuckles some more.

Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010


Naruto dan yang lainnya baru saja lolos dari perangkap hiu Kisame. Di lain tempat Kabuto menawarkan diri kepada Madara untuk menangkap Kyubi dan Hachibi demi mendapatkan kepercayaan Madara. Madara pun sedikit percaya dan menunjukkan sedikit rahasia tentang persiapannya nanti pada saat menghadapi perang ninja. Ternyata kunci dari semuanya adalah kekuatan Zetsu yang misterius. Di sini juga terungkap ternyata masih ada klon Senju Hashirama yang lain selain Yamato. Mau tahu cerita selengkapnya "Kebenaran dari Zetsu" download di sini

Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010

Naruto Manga Episode 511

Keberhasilan Madara mengalahkan Konan berentetan dengan keberhasilannya mendapatkan doujutsu terkuat "Rinnegan". Dalam episode ini juga diceritakan kembali kisah Konan bersama dua rekannya Yahiko dan Nagato sejak saat masih dilatih oleh Jiraiya sampai pada saat mereka dewasa. Dalam episode ini terungkap juga bahwa ternyata antara Yahiko dan Konan terdapat hubungan yang istimewa. Namun di balik semua kisah dalam episode ini terdapat misteri dan tanda tanya baru, apakah yang akan dilakukan oleh Naruto jika Madara dengan topeng barunya akan turun langsung untuk mengejarnya? Untuk mendownload episode ini klik di sini